Tuesday, August 19, 2008

august 13: the Chinese can do it

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

i arrived in beijing in the afternoon on 7th august. although i have been to beijing so many times, however it feels different this time. the whole city is in an "olympic" mood, posters and banners with olympic slogans can be found everywhere, all the workers /helpers /volunteers were polite, wearing a smile on their face always, enthusiastic in helping us in every aspect (or when there are problems) and they can even speak english fluently! in addition the number of cars on the roads have been minimized, the air quality is also better now...a little bit (haha!) , the breath-taking Bird's Nest and Water Cube, even at the place where we work, IBC, the canteen food is pretty good too, traffic, even the accomodation is superb. the only thing is that the internet access at the media village is pretty inconvenient and the rates are really expensive, that's why i can only update my blog when i return to HK!
On the 8th was present to watch the opening ceremony, felt extremely excited! china has finally done it! no matter where u are watching it live or on tv, u should feel satisfied, after the show that night, i asked a lot of foreigners who were staying in the media village like me, a vast majority used the same english phrase to describe~AMAZING!

Being a chinese person
(part of china), at that moment, i felt really proud! of course, i took lots of pictures, will gradually upload them here as well as hackenleenet.com to share with everyone.

[tricia~ haha ok the way he describe the water cube was funny. he used an er chinese idiom to say that it was so beautiful that he couldn't breathe! LOL. check out the pics though!]

[translated by: Tricia]

hacken's 3 latest messages from august

These few days I'm very busy very busy in Beijing. I couldn't find time to update my blog and upload pictures. This is because it's difficult to connect to the internet in my room. I will update soon after I'm back. Please forgive me!

[translated by: vivian]

8.16.08 (11:02am)

for the past few days i've been working as well as catching up with the olympics whenever i can, also watched China's women's volleyball...sadly...hope that they would be able to play better after that!
new song "ta ci wo bei" should be plugging next week, when u guys have heard the song, u may come here to leave a comment! have already uploaded some photos from Beijing, "water cube", is really fantastic!

[translated by: tricia]


8.16.08 (10:24pm)
Yao Ming and
易建 (some other chinese player) played very well today, the game was really intense! so is tennis!

[translated by: tricia]
[source: http://www.hackenleenet.com/postboard.htm]

Saturday, August 09, 2008

aug. 3: Dream Eight (dream team?)

sunday, 3 August 2008

he's just saying that he specially took a ferry over to macau to watch the match cos he's a big fan of the dream team...

actually he has watched his dream team play before in the 1996 olympics. and this time, he even brought along some special camera gadgets which can allow him to take near and far pics.
and he says those pictures are his "great works"...

[translated by: Tricia]

august 4 message

today is the release of the results (of the HKCEE, a really tough standardized test), wonder how did my fans fare? if its possible, do leave a message...

[translated by: tricia]
[source: http://www.hackenleenet.com/postboard.htm]

[info about the HKCEE here: