Tuesday, December 04, 2007

new blog post: Promote Promote Promote (Dec. 1)

Saturday, 1 December 2007

At this period of time, really very busy, need to promote my new album, on the other hand also need to consider my concert's matter, of course still have my home's 'small' matter la! Thursday is RTHK Lee Chi Gong's live, RTHK press conference, yesterday's CR (Commercial Radio (CR) FM 903) AKA Chik Chak), recorded some programmes, such as Vani and Maggie, this time CR is my concert's official radio station, so next week will go there also, I think 4th will have a Mini's programme etc., of course after that will have Metro, Roadshow, TVB show, MV filming, and TVB music special that already discussed for 2 years...I think this time really can film it successfully gua ! Also, I will invite some friends that seldom work with each other or very long time didn't cooperate with each other to be my concert's guests, looking forward to it!

Of course i'm still looking forward to tomorrow's fan club gathering la !

Later need to go to Mainland (China) to earn $ (money), can't attend Metro's press conference, I'm so sorry, next time la!

[translated by: Vivian]

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Anonymous said...

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